Friday, April 3, 2009


Wow what a day!
Today instead of going to school I went to Beaver Mountain with Abbie, and Josh was up for half the day to ski with us! But ya.. I went on Harry's Dream Lift for like one of my first times but Abbie and Josh went to ski Spring Trail and I was like okay I'm going on Gentle Ben. Not a good idea, I was doing really well until I stopped reading signs so I ended up going on I black diamond run(a very hard run for someone who has only skied like 10 times ever)called the Grand Canyon. Almost died. Not really but it felt like I was going too.I survived.

Then went up again and we decided to go on Ridge. One moment I saw Abbie and Josh the next they were gone! I stood there for a moment calling their names. No answer. So I started freaking out because I had no clue where to go. So I called over this lady and asked if she could tell me the easiest way down and she said to just follow her. She saved my life! I would have sat and probably cried. Ha ha. I made it down and Abbie was freaking out because she didn't know what happened to me. But the rest of the day was really fun Abbie and I messed around little beaver for some time which was hilarious! Then back in the lodge and waited for our ride.

When we got back to her house we ate Formosa then me, Zach, Trevor, and Abbie all played this really fun game called Pit, then I went home and now I'm here writing this.


1 comment:

Katie said...

Fun! I bet the snow was good today!